Welcome to Marcellus-Shale.us

The best visual Marcellus Shale gas drilling information source with aerial photos

Drilling close to schools

What is a safe setback distance?

The addition of a third drilling pad close to Fort Cherry Junior-Senior High School has more parents in SW Pennsylvania asking questions about the safety of drilling close to schools. Many feel drilling and gas processing sites should be at least 1-mile (5,280 feet) away from schools and other facilities with populations that are more sensitive to air pollution.

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While the disposal of billions of gallons of shale gas fracking wastewater has been the main drilling waste issue in the forefront, much less is known or talked about when it comes to the disposal of millions of pounds of drilling waste generated by shale drilling and hydraulic fracturing

New pipelines for Marcellus Shale gas

In 2016, half the pipelines in Pennsylvania were at least 45 years old with the majority of US pipelines installed before 1970. Corrosion accounted for 28% of serious pipeline accidents.

Exterior Design​​​
Furniture Design​​
Landscape Design​​
Site Planning​
Interior Design​​

Our Work

Photos of Marcellus Shale & Utica Shale gas extraction

What Our Clients Say​

This Marcellus Shale gas drilling web site provides photos and information about the Marcellus Shale gas play and unconventional gas well development. You’ll find photos of gas drilling sites, pipeline construction, unconventional wells and compressor stations.

Photos of centralized impoundment dams with information on Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection fines.

Margaret Curtis​​

Real Estate Developer​

Photos of drilling rigs, gas well site equipment, hydro fracing or fracking operations, natural gas facilities and gas pipelines.

Matthew Fox​​

Development Company​

See firsthand what a Marcellus gas well looks like with photos of drilling sites and the equipment array used to frack Marcellus Shale horizontal wells.

John Doe​


Export of gas liquids from Marcellus wet gas

Citizens have the right to enjoyment of their property, as well as a healthy environment including clean air and pure water as guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Constitution.

A Great Mega Project​


High Tower Building​


Skyscraper Project​


National Museum​


Skyscraper Tower​


Big Company Headquarter​


Projects with Our Solutions

ChatGPT Plugins programming
Quantum AI Elon Mask
Gas Ertrag review
Bitcoin Bank invest
Tesler trading system
Space Man

Our Expert Team​

Citizens have the right to enjoyment of their property, as well as a healthy environment including clean air and pure water as guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Constitution.

Juan G+eorge​​

Vice President​

Sean Hart​

Project Leader​

Emma Kelly​

Creative Director​









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